– Autumn & Eve: Old Testaments Vol I –
The stories of the Old Testament have always stood as a reminder of how God uses the most flawed of his children to do miraculous things. There are so many stories of heartbreak, war, disappointment, tragedy and endless waiting, among other things.
I have felt that my own life in the last few years has shared some of the same road with some of the stories of old. Loss and failure. Disappointment and miracles walking hand in hand.
I spent a lot of time outside while I was writing these songs. I recorded some of the sounds that surrounded me as I wrote and included them on the project. I wanted you to hear what I heard and feel what I felt as the songs came into being.
The record is so simple. It was my aim to keep it as sparse as possible while still communicating the emotion of the stories and songs. I’m so grateful to be my co-producer Kyle Buchanan for helping make that possible.
I hope you hear your own story in some of these songs and can feel the mercy of God that has been reaching out to us across the ages and is as present today as it was when we are only dust.
- Cindy